[四川师范大学国际中文教育学院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2016年6月12日


汉语桥·2016 全球外国人汉语大会(以下简称“本届大会”)由中国孔子学院总部/国家汉办和中国中央电视台联合主办,由中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)承办。本届大会以“学好汉语、读懂中国”为主旨,欢迎全球喜爱中国文化、了解汉语知识的外国朋友积极报名和参赛。本届大会共分预赛、复赛和决赛三个阶段,通过组织报名和网络报名均可进入预赛,复赛和决赛将在中国北京中央电视台进行录像,中央电视台中文国际频道(CCTV-4)及相关频道,将在 2016 年暑期档向全球播出本届大会的竞赛实况。

汉语桥·2016全球外国人汉语大会(Chinese Bridge·2016 Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners Across the Globe)开始于2014年,它的前身为已经举办过6届的CCTV汉语大赛。四川师范大学承办了“汉语桥·2014全球外国人汉语大会(成都预赛)”,来自四川和贵州六所高校19个国家的39位留学生选手参赛。本次大赛得到参赛高校的一致好评和央视汉语大会节目组的高度称赞。学校各部门之间的大力支持和配合,使得本次大赛圆满成功。四川电视台、成都电视台(电视),四川日报、成都日报(报纸),国际在线、成都全接触(网络)等十二家媒体全方位、多角度深入报道了本次大赛,各大主流媒体转载报道。(详参新闻链接:http://news.sicnu.edu.cn/?act=view&contentId=6348)。





1、报名时间:2016 年 5 月 6 日至 5 月 30 日。

2、报名方法:本届大会报名官方网站: www.global-chinese.cn / www.hqhy.tv


3、报名条件:年满 16 岁的非中国籍、母语为非汉语的外籍人士均可报名、职业不限。报名者需填写个人情况信息表(需从网站下载),并提供手机拍摄(其它摄录设备均可)的三分钟视频(相关要求请查询网站)。


1成都预赛区时间:2016 年 6 月13日。







4、预赛通知:2016 年 5 月 31 日前,大会组委会将向符合报名条件者下发预赛通知。


1、各预赛区通过预赛分别选拔 6 至 10 名优秀选手组成赛区代表队参加复赛。



4、团体赛设金奖 1 名,银奖 1 名,铜奖 4 名。

5、个人赛设金奖 1 名,银奖 2 名,铜奖 3 名。

6、本届大会个人赛还将设“口才奖”3 名,“博学奖”3 名,“才艺奖”3 名。

7、本届大会将设组织奖 6 名,奖励本次大会活动组织的优秀单位和学校。


9、凡参加预赛报名者,均可优先参加本届大会在7月—9月举行的“2016 全球外国人汉语大会网络争霸赛”,相关内容和通知将在官方网站另行通知。


                        汉语桥·2016 全球外国人汉语大会


            2016 年5月6日


















Chinese Bridge · 2016 Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners Across the Globe


We would like to announce, starting May 2016, the "Chinese Bridge·2016 Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners Across the Globe” encourages all foreign friends enjoying the Chinese language to join the competition so that they will understand, learn and love China helped by the bridge of the Chinese language.

As a major brand program of CCTV globally, the Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreigners has been held successfully for several years already. Competition 2016 will be better in its breadth of participation, authority of assessment and appreciation by the public. Richer and more colorful in the length, content and design of the event, it will be a large, comprehensive cultural program that integrates competition, education, culture, performance and interaction. Its grand style of international fashion, Chinese culture, classic brand and thematic function will highlight its theme of “learning Chinese well to understand China better” and make the event stand out from among the ever-changing and eye-catching TV programs today.

Competition 2016 will sum up the contents of the previous sessions into three major plates: “Story Telling”, "Knowledge Display" and "Talent Show”.

The plate of "Story Telling" will focus on the players’ oral efficiency and command of Chinese culture to show their overall Chinese oral ability through the forms of storytelling, recitation, debating and others.

The plate of "Knowledge Display” will focus on the players’ basic knowledge of Chinese language to test their level and ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing Chinese characters, phrases as well as their understanding of Chinese culture, history, geography, folklore and others.

The plate of "Talent Show" will display the players’ special talents about the Chinese culture such as instrument playing, singing, dancing, cooking, martial arts, acrobatics, and folk arts. An interactive scenario contest will be included in the plate to test players’ idea of various aspects of Chinese culture.

Competition 2016 will add a rich variety of live shows including Chinese music instrument playing, traditional Chinese singing, dancing, drama, Chinese martial arts, acrobatics and comic cross-talks, as well as on-spot demonstrations of intangible cultural heritages. The organizers will invite famous Chinese masters to perform live to help heighten the players’ understanding of Chinese culture and add an entertaining flavor to the match.

Competition 2016 will rely on the Confucius Institutes around the world to set up 5 regions of qualification testing in the Americas, Oceania, Europe, Africa and Asia. Together with 7 regional teams from within China, a total of 12 teams will attend the semifinal and final race.

Competition 2016 will host 13 games in total, consisting of 6 games of group races, 6 games of individual races and the award ceremony.

We are overjoyed to see friends coming from afar! Competition 2016 will bring together our foreign friends, learning, using and loving Chinese language. The event will help them know China better and make more friends. With its emphasis on equality, interaction, mutual love and help, Competition 2016 will help all the participants and TV audience experience the warmth and passion of China, and the welcoming and joyful spirit of the event.

Competition 2016 has established its official website and a WeChat platform to give notices on the processes of application, qualification testing, semifinal and final races so as to strengthen its interactive exchanges with the public. Competition 2016 will also launch a “Network Championship”, a “WeChat Game" and other network programs to encourage more participants to participate in the event. The winners of the online matches will go to Beijing for activities and prize reception, as well.

As an important brand program of CCTV globally, Competition 2016 by Chinese Bridge has gathered a powerful directing team of top figures of directing, writing, and planning headed by Xia Dao/Fu Ying Studio of CCTV. The participation of such renowned masters as Sha Xiaolan, the lighting designer of Beijing Olympics 2008 and Zhou Bingkun, the stage designer from Hong Kong, as well as those in the aspects of choreography, lighting, sound and videotaping will guarantee the overall success of Competition 2016.

